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Configure Feature Info Widget to display attributes from multiple layers

03-13-2023 11:37 AM
Status: Open
Labels (3)
Occasional Contributor

I find using the Feature info widget while wrapped inside the Sidebar to be superior to the traditional pop-up on top of the map as a method to display feature attributes. However one of the big limitations in the Experience Builder version I have found is it can only display attributes from one feature. This then forces configuration of a separate feature info widget to display attributes for each layer, which will be very confusing for the user. The Sidebar Instant App has a very elegant implementation that drills down through all layers that have pop-ups enabled in the web map, and displays a header for each layer in the sidebar view. Please enable the Feature Info Widget to display attributes from multiple layers, similar to function in the Sidebar Instant App.


Yes it would be great to have a single Feature Info widget that could dynamically change based on the layer feature you click, rather than the current method of setting up 3 Feature Info widgets for 3 different layer popups.


This is a great idea. Supporting a single layer limits the apps it will be used in. I would love to redesign some generalized apps and have the "popup" info discretely on the side. But if any other layer needs a popup, then the FeatureInfo layer will also have a redundant popup, which can be confusing for the user. 

Esri representatives, please note there are already many Kudos for this Question on the same topic:


I came to post the exact same idea. This would be a great addition. This could functionally replace the in map pop-ups. This would make keyboard only navigation easier if the ExB App is configured properly.


Easier keyboard navigation allows for increased user accessibility which is a priority for my organization. 


Per this other thread seeking the same functionality, it should be included in the June 2024 update, so hopefully coming soon but we don't know the date yet. I have been learning ExB recently and was incredibly surprised that the Feature Info widget is limited to just one layer at a time - I'm working with multiple utility systems so it's vital that it shows the attributes for the selected feature, which could be from one of numerous possible layers. 

Another cool option to include would be whether you want it to be able to select/show attributes from Any/All layers or be able to check boxes for certain ones perhaps. For example, maybe I have roads, parcels, and jurisdictional boundaries included in the map but don't need the Feature Info widget to necessarily also show the attributes for those layers. Not as vital, just an idea though.

Thread: experience-builder-feature-info-for-multiple/td-p/376443 


@Megan2 thanks for the great news that multiple layer functionality for the Feature Info widget will finally be included in the June release!! ExB is getting closer to being fully useful!