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ArcGIS Experience - Slice Widget

03-15-2022 09:50 AM
Status: Open
Labels (2)
Emerging Contributor

The Slice widget is an important tool useful for "removing ground" to reveal underlying 3D data such as underground facilities.  This is important for digital twins of cities and industrial facilities that have 3D as-built data of the underground facilities.  It also supports the use of the elevation widget.

BIM & GIS integration is being heavily marketed right now including an upcoming webinar on March 23rd hosted by Esri.  The slice widget is what allows users to view inside BIM models to view/select/query elements within the models.

Please consider bringing the slice widget/tool to ArcGIS Experiences.


1 Comment

This would be a great function. In stead of a separate widget a workaround could be to have the ability to save the sliced view within a bookmark and then work with the bookmarks in experience builder.