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Allow Organization Shared theme to be customised in Experience Builder - default font setting

10-27-2022 01:18 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Frequent Contributor

Experience Builder allows you to choose an Organization Shared theme when building experiences, with the Organizational shared theme set in ArcGIS Online. However, the Shared theme settings in ArcGIS Online do not allow a font to be set, and the Organization Shared theme in Experience Builder cannot be edited to choose a default font. Please enable default font selection when the Organization Shared theme is being used.

1 Comment

This is unbelievable to me that this post has 1000 views but 5 kudos. This is essential! Why is there so many limitations in EB? This would allow the ability to use organizationally shared colors and change the font for the entire application. Instead I need to do it manually....