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Allow mailto and tel URL Links

05-21-2021 07:12 AM
Status: Open
Labels (2)
MVP Esteemed Contributor

I would like to see support for mailto and tel link URLs in Experience Builder. 


Especially where EB makes mobile-friendly design so easy, it would be nice to give people the option to call straight from a link. Our users are increasingly accessing our tools via smartphones, and it would be an added convenience.



@ShengdiZhangThank you! That's very useful to know!


It won't allow me to add the embed widget on the list widget so I can get mailto: links on each feature, so I'm hoping for more support for mailto: functionality across widgets.


Adding my vote for this, embed isn't really going to work when you're trying to put a mailto or tel link within a text block.



Just wanted to add my support for this enhancement as soon as possible. I have a lot of maps/apps that list contact email addresses that vary by attribute field. We don't want to put the text of the email address on the page itself because it makes an easy target for spammers to scrape. Our company's policy is to always put the word Email and then hyperlink it with

If we could use Arcade to construct links, that would work, too.

Prior to the first 2022 Experience Builder upgrade, I could store the email in a separate field that included mailto: before every email address and could use that field in the List widget if I chose URL as the hyperlink option. After the upgrade, ExB force appends the URL of the app as a prefix to mailto:... so my workaround is no longer viable.

This missing functionality seems like a really big omission for what is otherwise a great product that improves with every release. (I am dreading telling our Communications officer that I can't do a mailto: link because of a technical limitation.)


Has anyone managed to set a "target" for all the URL links?   

Something like this: 




As a long-time user of web apps and a new user of EB, I'm throwing my support behind adding this functionality. In our case, we have a simple map showing contact information for code enforcement officers in different regions, so the embed function isn't going to work for us either.  We embed this map in our HUB page and chose EB over the app builder due to the more mobile-friendly interaction. 

Thank you!
