The suggestion is to provide the capability of manually defining the default map scale (e.g. set the scale bar to a defined value) for an Experience Builder application that will persist when the application is viewed across different devices, screen sizes and resolutions.
We have observed that Experience Builder configurations for the default map scale upon launching an application are not consistent across varying screen sizes nor between dev/test/production environments, despite the app config being identical, i.e. copy/paste AGOL items per environment for testing purposes.
For example, given three copies of an Experience Builder application in the same AGOL organisation, we have observed the following discrepancies in default map scale values when the application is launched:
Currently, the map scale (and therefore the scale bar) is set by configuring the initial view of the map widget or defining the map extent in the Map Viewer.
This functionality is important because the app should stay at the same specific scale across varying devices, screen sizes, zoom scales and resolutions. This is particularly important from an accessibility perspective given Web Content Accessibility Guidelines must be met.