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X-Frame-Options Problem when trying to reach sign-in page of ArcGIS Enteprise from another domain with iFrame

10-15-2020 02:01 PM
Emerging Contributor


I am using ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8 and have an enterprise site with lots of dashboards and surveys. But my main aim is to open this site with another domain. Front-end users must not see any URL from my portal and surveys so all the content will be reached from that domain. That's why I embedded enterprise site url into this domain with iFrame. Users cannot reach surveys unless they log in. I also add a button which directs sign-in page. My sign-in button and surveys fail to open. The error message in the inspection windows is ' This site cannot be displayed since X-Frame-Options set to 'sameorigin'. The other apps and dashboard which are published publicly works fine. However, other contents that needs to sign in fails to open. Can I handle with this problem if I change approptiate settings of IIS?

Thank you so much for your help.

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