@Yogesh_Chavan, what I think might be happening is that you have legacy services that where not converted because of the missing 10.9.1 upgrade step.
lets do a few tests to see where the server is broken.
if the ArcGIS server service is started can you run the following in powershell.
Test-NetConnection domain.xyz.com -port 6443
if this comes back false then your webserver is broken if it comes back true then your services might be causing the problem, if you open up task manager under processes is their ArcSocs.exe running if no then your services did not start if yes then you might just be sitting with a problem like a proxy, can you take a screenshot of the webpage when you try to connect over https://domain.xyz.com:6443/arcgis/manager,
if you have the capacity to spin up a new VM then you can install a 10.8.1 you will have to make a hostfile entry that points to the current ArcGIS Server name for this to work e.g. IP DNS this is located at "C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\etc\hosts", then I can guide you how to extract your content out of WebGISDR for just the ArcGIS server and restore it.
Kind Regards