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What is the trick to getting the point clustering settings to show up?

03-11-2019 08:46 AM
Deactivated User

How do I get point clustering option on my point layer?  I understand it only works with Web Mercator, but I can't seem to get the option to show up despite re-projecting my data.  The Story Map example has this working in a different coordinate system, so I'm not quite sure how this is supposed to work. An ESRI basemap is being used here with a non-Web Mercator layer, so it that the catch?

Essentially, I'm trying to publish a map service, through Pro or ArcMap and enable this setting in a web map.  It never shows up as an option for me.  What is the trick to this?

6 Replies
Esri Contributor

Hello Thomas!

After a quick review of the documentation for Clustering, both ArcGIS Online and Portal for ArcGIS require that the map must be in Web Mercator. Web map projections are set by the basemap, and the web map you linked to above is using a Web Mercator vector tile basemap. Therefore, it meets the criteria for the "To configure clustering on a point layer, the map must be in the WGS 84 or Web Mercator coordinate system." requirement.

When you create a web map from ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro, is your basemap you're choosing a Web Mercator basemap?

If your resulting web map is public, are you able to share the link? We can take a look then and see if we see something that may be causing this.



Esri Support Services.

Rachel Guttmacher
ArcGIS Online Technology Lead
Esri Support Services
Deactivated User

Rachel, thanks for quick response!

We use our own base maps, in our own coordinate system, but I am considering projecting our base maps all to Web Mercator to utilize point clustering.  Here is a link to map I threw together and both are in Web Mercator.  What did I miss?  

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Esri Contributor

Hello Thomas!

I reviewed your web map, and it looks like you added a map service to the web map. When you expand the "Map", you do see your layer, but there's no clustering option there. I suspect this is either a known limitation or a bug, not sure which.

You can get around this by adding the layer itself to the map instead of a map service. Try going to Add > Layer from Web > enter the following:

The clustering capability starts showing if you add your layer that way. Let me know if that works?

Best regards,


Esri Support Services

Rachel Guttmacher
ArcGIS Online Technology Lead
Esri Support Services
0 Kudos
Esri Contributor

Hello Thomas,

As a quick side-note, I went ahead and logged the following bug:

[BUG-000120872: Clustering is not available for sub-layers of map services when the map service is added to a web map.]

The bug requests to either resolve this in a future version of ArcGIS Online and Portal for ArcGIS, or requests the documentation to be updated to include a statement that map services aren't supported.

Best regards,


Esri Support Services

Rachel Guttmacher
ArcGIS Online Technology Lead
Esri Support Services
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New Contributor

Hello Rachel,

I know this post is a little old, but I am having the same trouble as the original poster.  I have created a map in ArcGIS Pro and shared it to my organization's Portal.  I opened the map online and am unable to find the clustering feature in the layer properties menu.  I also tried what you mentioned.  I found the URL for my feature layer and tried to add it.  The layer did come into my web map, but I still did not have the option to configure clustering.  Any thoughts about it?  I wonder if our version of Portal is older than this feature.  I have no way of knowing that since I am not the GIS Platform Admin.

I also read somewhere that it may depend of the coordinate system of the map.  I set the coordinate system to Web Mercator in ArcGIS Pro before I shared the feature class.  However, the feature class is in State Plane.  Could this be part of the problem?

Any ideas would be appreciated.


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Honored Contributor

Nothing I have done so far activates the cluster option. Projection, <50000 points, etc etc, everything seems to be set correctly. The URL given above is dead.

I have no reason to believe this feature works outside of the magic ESRI demo chamber. 

It's one of those "it just works" in a demo, but it only works in the demo.

Does anyone have a feature point layer that works with this feature?

Convince me.

i think there needs to be a brief workflow to show how to set up the layer or troubleshoot it.

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