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What is the best database to use with arcgis enterprise?

02-02-2023 04:02 AM
New Contributor

What is the best database to use with arcgis enterprise? 

SAP4HANA? SQL Server? Oracle? PostGree?


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2 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

As long as they are supported, they all work well. I have lots of clients using SQL Server & PostgreSQL.

The main question is who will be managing the RDBMS and what are they familar with?

--- George T.
MVP Esteemed Contributor

You should also look at other non-GIS systems in your organization that you might possibly integrate with, if any. If your organization is already using, say, SQL Server for lots of its operations, it may be better to stick with that than bring in an additional RDBMS.

- Josh Carlson
Kendall County GIS