I'm using Arc Catalog 10.2 to connect to a recently refreshed Oracle geodatabase. Arc Catalog crashes when I attempt to connect to the geodatabase. I can connect using sql plus with the same user name and password that I use in Arc Catalog. I turned on sde intercept tracing, then attempted to connect to the geodatabase. I found GetConnectionError appears at the end of the sde intercept log file as shown below. Does anyone have any idea what causes the GetConnectionError message? The DBAs are off today since it's Veterans Day, so I'm looking for clues to help them when they return. Since the geodatabase was recently refreshed, it's possible there's a role missing or a tablespace issue.
[R 10:35:45.427] Command: VersionGet
[R 10:35:45.427] NString: "SDE.DEFAULT"
[W 10:35:45.427] Long: 0
[W 10:35:45.427] Version:
Owner: SDE
Version ID: 1
Status: Public
State ID: 137009
Description: Instance default version.
Parent Name:
Parent Owner:
Parent Version ID:0
Creation Time: 6/17/2011 8:30:42 AM
[R 10:35:45.427] Command: StateLock
[R 10:35:45.427] int64: 137009
[R 10:35:45.427] Long: 2
[W 10:35:45.428] Long: -172
[R 10:35:45.428] Command: GetConnectionError
[W 10:35:45.428] Long: 0
We're getting a problem where one feature class is not creating on the map after we finish sketch with no errors to be found. All other feature classes in our Oracle geodatabase place just fine. All privs look good for A and D tables, etc. - all the normal things you would check.
So we started an SDE Intercept and could see when we attempt to place those features we get the same entry for GetConnectionError that you have above. I would also like to know what that means and get more info. In our case it looks like it happens right after it calls RowIdsGetRangeByName.
[W 07:12:32.426] Command: StateNewEdit
[W 07:12:32.426] int64: 4769
[W 07:12:32.426] State:
State ID: -1
Status: Open
CreationTime: 12/31/1969 6:00:00 PM
Lineage Name: 0
LineageLength: 0
Lineage: <null>
[R 07:12:32.438] Long: 0
[R 07:12:32.438] State:
State ID: 4770
Owner: Q155569
Status: Open
CreationTime: 10/28/2019 7:12:32 AM
Lineage Name: 4704
LineageLength: 5
Lineage: <null>
[W 07:12:32.438] Command: BeginTransaction
[R 07:12:32.438] Long: -68
[W 07:12:32.442] Command: RowIdsGetRangeByName
[W 07:12:32.443] NString: "EDGIS.SECOHCONDUCTOR"
[W 07:12:32.443] int64: 10
[R 07:12:32.453] Long: -51
[W 07:12:32.453] Command: GetConnectionError
[R 07:12:32.453] Long: 0
[W 07:12:32.460] Command: RollbackTransaction
[R 07:12:32.464] Long: 0
[W 07:12:32.466] Command: StateDelete
[W 07:12:32.466] int64: 4770
[R 07:12:32.528] Long: 0
Here's what it looks like for the "good" feature that places OK on the map:
[W 07:11:59.885] Command: StateNewEdit
[W 07:11:59.885] int64: 4704
[W 07:11:59.885] State:
State ID: -1
Status: Open
CreationTime: 12/31/1969 6:00:00 PM
Lineage Name: 0
LineageLength: 0
Lineage: <null>
[R 07:11:59.923] Long: 0
[R 07:11:59.923] State:
State ID: 4767
Owner: Q155569
Status: Open
CreationTime: 10/28/2019 7:11:59 AM
Lineage Name: 4704
LineageLength: 2
Lineage: <null>
[W 07:11:59.924] Command: BeginTransaction
[R 07:11:59.924] Long: -68
[W 07:11:59.947] Command: RowIdsGetRangeByName
[W 07:11:59.948] NString: "EDGIS.SECUGCONDUCTOR"
[W 07:11:59.948] int64: 10
[R 07:11:59.980] Long: 0
[R 07:11:59.980] int64: 193428
[R 07:11:59.980] int64: 13
[W 07:12:00.076] Command: QueryWithInfo
[W 07:12:00.089] Long: 2
[W 07:12:00.089] Query Info:
Num Columns: 1
Columns: "Name"
SQL_Construct: [1]
Tables: "SDE.GDB_Items"
WhereClause: "UUID IN (SELECT OriginID FROM SDE.GDB_ItemRelationships WHERE DestID IN (SELECT UUID FROM SDE.GDB_Items WHERE PhysicalName = N'EDGIS.AM_CONFIGURATION' AND Type IN ('{70737809-852C-4A03-9E22-2CECEA5B9BFA}')) and Type = '{A1633A59-46BA-4448-8706-D8ABE2B2B02E}')"
Query Type: 4
Num Hints: 0
Num Parameter markers: 0
Logfile: <null>
[R 07:12:00.095] Long: 0
[R 07:12:00.095] Col_Defines: [1]
Name Type Width nDec NULL? RowID
-------------------------------- ----------- ----- ---- -------- -----
-------------------------------- ----------- ----- ---- -------- -----
[W 07:12:00.095] Command: ExecuteSpatialQuery
[W 07:12:00.095] Long: 2
[R 07:12:00.100] Long: 0
[W 07:12:00.100] Command: NextBuffer
[W 07:12:00.100] Long: 2
[R 07:12:00.100] Long: 0
[R 07:12:00.100] Long: 0
[R 07:12:00.100] Long: 0
[R 07:12:00.100] Short: -1
[R 07:12:00.100] Long: 1
[R 07:12:00.100] Long: 0
[W 07:12:00.100] Command: CloseStream
[W 07:12:00.100] Long: 2
[W 07:12:00.100] Long: 1
[R 07:12:00.100] Long: 0
Looks like it is failing on the RowIdsGetRangeByName section.
Secondary OH where it fails:
[W 07:12:32.442] Command: RowIdsGetRangeByName
[W 07:12:32.443] NString: "EDGIS.SECOHCONDUCTOR"
[W 07:12:32.443] int64: 10
[R 07:12:32.453] Long: -51
Secondary UG where it places OK:
[W 07:11:59.947] Command: RowIdsGetRangeByName
[W 07:11:59.948] NString: "EDGIS.SECUGCONDUCTOR"
[W 07:11:59.948] int64: 10
[R 07:11:59.980] Long: 0
[R 07:11:59.980] int64: 193428
[R 07:11:59.980] int64: 13
Next step is to figure out why the RowIdsGetRangeByName is failing for SecOHConductor but works ok for SecUGConductor.