Web Adaptor - unable to access REST service

07-24-2012 07:44 AM
New Contributor II
I get this error when using the new REST service link after installing the ArcGIS Web Adaptor (See attached).
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13 Replies
New Contributor II
Further details:

I installed/uninstalled the Web Adaptor a few times (IIS version).

I followed the unregister direction from this post:

During installation the web adaptor will direct me to a page for configuration.  However, I got some 500.19 error (see attached).  I was able to fix this by removing the configSections of the web.config file for the Web Adaptor.  This was based on some online posts saying something is happening between .NET 2.0 applications and .NET 4.0 applications.  My site is using only a 4.0 application so I am not sure why I got this error.

However, I still get the error from the first post.

I also tried a command line install and got a different error (see attached).

I am not sure if something is not unregistering in the registry or a .NET 2.0/4.0 problem.
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Occasional Contributor III
What security are you using?  I've seen problems when using Web Tier Authentication
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New Contributor III
having a similar issue with the webadaptor. what was your solution.
did you try changing the webadaptor to 2.0 .net?
this artical suggest that:

which is not really fair, since the documents say.. 3.5 .net
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Occasional Contributor III
Haley, I've seen that work. Agree 3.5 should work, don't know what the issue is. I know some of the developers read this forum, maybe they can chime in?
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Occasional Contributor II
I used to be able to access my rest service list via any browser now I can't
just access the list w/out password not sure why this changed. I was wondering if anyone else has noticed this behavior. How do I put it back the old way it seems that my other apps are having issues acessing the rest services as well.
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Occasional Contributor III
   We have been up on 10.1 for one week with everything running just fine. This morning the web services were all locked. They had all been unlocked. I'm not sure what would cause everything to be locked. There was one error in the log stating that we had reached the maximum number of connections to our instance. The information I found said we had too many connection to the gdb on the ArcSDE 10.0. We had created two additional web services late yesterday afternoon.
   I had to change the web services all to public again and everything worked just fine now. I also couldn't see my rest services without logging in.
My server setup:

ArcGIS for Server 10.1 sp1
ArcGIS for Desktop 10.1
Windows 2008 R2
Web Adapter installed with Admin access through web adapter enabled (no shared key configured)
Cross domain policy installed.
The database was successfully added to the Data Store.
The Authentication Tier is GIS Server.
Token settings are at the defaults of 60 minutes and 1 day for long.
Anyone have an idea why this would happen?
Thanks, Janie
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Occasional Contributor III
Janie, there is a bug that may apply here. Let me see if I can find it
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Occasional Contributor II
I believe Bubba is referring to

NIM090171 Shutting down and restarting the ArcGIS Server Service when using the IIS and Java web adaptors can cause the REST handler on the restarted node to lose all principals, specifically esriEveryone at the root level, forcing users to log in for every request.

This is fixed in 10.2
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Occasional Contributor III
Hi Tom,
   I didn't know the web adaptor was Java. But we didn't shutdown ArcGIS Server yesterday to our knowledge.
So how often can we expect this to happen?
   Any idea as to when 10.2 comes out?
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