Hello, this happens with arcgis 10.2
So, am i missing something here? is there a way to get, at least, more detailed info about the causes of the crashing, or are we doomed to perpetual obscurity when it comes to arcgis errors?
thanks for your help.
Hi David,
Check your results window and see if there are errors as part of the service publication. Does that provide a more "helpful" error message?
Hi, thanks for your quick response.
I get this. As far as i can tell, there is nothing wrong.
I would agree that it seems to be working fine. Are you able to login to the ArcGIS Server where the service is running? If you take a look at the logs portion of the site you should be able to see the job submission and get some more information on what went wrong.
no, i dont have access to the server, however, i asked for permission to the gis admin. Thanks for the tip.
You're welcome. Once you have access you'll head to the logs page as I mentioned before. When I've seen error message like you saw I generally find them by changing the log message type to "Severe". David Coley reply is a good one as well. Hope you're able to find some more information.
David, I'm sure you have checked this, but are you sure that you are running everything from a shared location and all accounts that need read access have read access to your directories?
Hi David, thanks for answering. I'm checking that right now with the gis admin. cheers.
It's christmas time. Happy holidays for everyone. As a gift, the gis admin gave me access to the server manager console.
It seems that the service cannot run because it cannot write on the scratch geodatabase.
However 2 things still puzzle me:
1 - after reading arcgis docs, i found that the scratch gdb is part of the scratch workspace. that workspace seems to be part of the core functionalities, so It would be very strange that access to those resources is not available by default. Highly unlikely that someone turned it off (it possible).
2 - I redirected my output to fill directly a table in oracle. So, from my point of view, there would be no necessity to use the scratch db - because as far as i understood, it is used only for temporary results -
Thanks to Brandon Keinath and David Coley for their help. This is the message i get:
ERROR 000210: Cannot create output ...\scratch\scratch.gdb\.. Failed to execute (Select). Failed to execute (Model1). Failed to execute.
Hi David,
Happy Holidays to you as well. Am I understanding you right that your problem is fixed now? I can't speak to it exactly but we've run into similar issues with permissions on the server. Josh L would be able to elaborate more if you're curious.