As the title says, when loading the layer, the page turns white and becomes unresponsive (throws a browser notification eventually). Here are my processing steps:
- Data source: 1km² TIF with 1m raster size
GP: Manage Tile Cache
- Recreate all tiles
- ArcGIS Online scheme
- Scales 4.7, 2.4; 1.2;0.6
GP: Export Tile Cache
- As Tile package
- Scales see above
Result: ~1.5mb tpk file, which I upload through the web interface, and create a Tile Layer (hosted). So far everything seems fine, but when I open the layer in the Scene Viewer, the viewer locks up. I can open the layer in the map viewer instantly, however.
The steps were taken from Creating and Using Elevation Layers in ArcGIS Online & ArcGIS Pro