1) If Portal and Server are using the same user store, is that user store allowed to have BOTH integrated enterprise (domain) accounts AND named user accounts? We like having the ability to use enterprise accounts in AGO for Organizations for users who have a domain account, however, there are some field workers who DO NOT have a domain account and we need the ability to create a named AGO account for them. Is this type of user store available for Portal as well...and if it is...the same user store gets passed along to our Server if federated, correct?
If you use SAML/ADFS, you can have both enterprise accounts as well as built-in users within your Portal. It sounds like you've already done that within ArcGIS Online. The experience in Portal should be identical to AGO.
2) Is there something analogous to Server 'roles' within Portal? I get that the user store is passed off to Portal, but within Server, using the built-in user store, users belong to roles and roles are what get used when assigning security to a service/folder. How are services made secure if using a Federated Server with Portal?
Access to services is controlled by the sharing settings within Portal. If I, as a publisher, publish a service, it's automatically added as an item within My Content. By default, the service is not shared with everyone, meaning only me and Administrators within the Portal can reach the service. I can share that service with a group or groups and only members of that group can reach the service. If I share the service with the organization, anyone who is a named user within the Portal can reach the service. If I share the service with everyone, anyone who can access the REST endpoint can reach the service. I realize the link is specific to ArcMap, but it describes the sharing settings.
Share a service with your ArcGIS organization using ArcMap—Documentation | ArcGIS Enterpris...
Your users will be assigned roles as well. Some may be Viewers, some may be Publishers, a select few will be Administrators, and you can create custom roles.
3) How is a hosting server different from the Data Store?...or are they one in the same? I thought the point of the Data Store is to give users the ability to create hosted feature services, run analysis tools, drag and drop files that contain geographic content, etc... Is a hosting server configured somewhere within Portal?...or during install? Is a hosting server necessary?
A hosting server can only be set if you've registered the relational Data Store with the Server and you've federated that Server with Portal. The ArcGIS Data Store is really just storing the data used for the hosted services, they're still running on the hosting server, (which again, is a federated server, but set as the hosting server). The hosting server is set when you federate your server with Portal. Then, you'll have the option of setting it as the hosting server. Here are some key points:
- A federated server is a server that you've added to the Portal that will use the Portals security store.
- A hosting server is a federated server that you've selected to be a hosting server through My Organization
- The relational ArcGIS Data Store has to be registered to the federated server to set that federated server as the hosting server
A hosting server is only necessary if you plan to do any of those things listed.
4) How are user accounts in Portal and AGO for Organizations tracked? For example, say we have 100 named user accounts available for AGO for Organizations. I already have an existing user account in AGO using my enterprise account. If I add my enterprise account to Portal, does that count as 2 accounts within our 100 user pool, even though it's the same credentials?
ArcGIS Online and Portal use separate identity stores, therefore I believe the same user will count for 2 named users. I suggest you discuss that with your account manager.
5) Along the same lines as the question above, how are Pro licenses managed? Currently, all our Pro licenses are managed through AGO. When we install Portal, I'm assuming you can manage Pro licenses through there as well, just like you can in AGO, correct? Would we need to 'de-activate' / 'disable' a Pro license on AGO and re-configure Pro to look at Portal for licensing?
Licensing isn't really my strong suite, but I believe that's correct. You'll need to move those licenses to Portal. Your account manager may be able to clarify.
6) Do you HAVE to federate your Server with Portal in order to have published services pass through Portal and be published directly to your Server? Or, does federating your Server with Portal simply mean the user store of Portal is passed to your Server?
Federating is the easiest way to pass credentials between Portal and Server. Another option, though, is to add the service to your My Content and embed credentials within the item. Anyone that has access to the item will be able to reach the service as the credentials are embedded with the item.
Connect to secure services—Portal for ArcGIS (10.6) | ArcGIS Enterprise