We have a portal admin who left our organization. We were able to transfer most of his content to another user in our portal. However 3 items remain preventing us from deleting his account. Those three objects have an unknown type and when we click on them to view details, a new window opens but it just spins and spins without ever loading the item. If we try to delete them, we get "The following items can't be deleted because they are delete protected or have dependent items." Anyone know how to delete these items or what to check? Running 11.1.
I had a similar problem deleting a member from ArcGIS Online. This post helped me solve the problem - https://community.esri.com/t5/arcgis-online-questions/cannot-delete-member-user-id-arcgis-online/td-...
Good luck,
have you checked to see if the index is in sync?
I wonder if the index is out of sync....