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Unable to load ArcGIS elevation service in Cesium

08-01-2023 07:43 AM
New Contributor II

Are there any specific requirements for the terrain services that can be loaded in Cesium?

I have successfully loaded the official terrain service using the following URL:

However, when I tried to load my own terrain service hosted on my server(arcgis server 10.6), the Cesium scene appeared as black and failed to load. There were two HTTP requests related to this service, and they seemed to be normal. One of the request URLs looked like this:

{the domain}/arcgis/rest/services/{the service name}/ImageServer?f=json&token=xxxx

and it returned the json data about the service itself.

If compared to the official terrain service, this json data has a few fields that are different:

my service

"serviceDataType": "esriImageServiceDataTypeGeneric",
"capabilities": "Image,Metadata,Mensuration",

official service

"serviceDataType": "esriImageServiceDataTypeElevation",
"serviceSourceType": "esriImageServiceSourceTypeMosaicDataset",
"capabilities": "Image,Tilemap,Mensuration",

The 'SpatialReference' fields are the same. Are there any other information I should pay attention to?



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