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Create default elevation layer

02-19-2023 06:58 AM
Occasional Contributor III

We have problems with creating default elevation layer.

This layer should be default elevation when you open new Global/Local scene in Pro and when you open a new web scene in Portal.

We are using version 10.9.1 and all our base maps are Geo wgs84 (not web Mercator).

We would like to build the cache before publishing using Pro to save the cache creation from the server.

We did a few tests. Some works for Pro other works for web scene, none works for both.

The source data in Mosaic with dtm's tiles.

We understand we need to build the cache in LERC compression but we are not sure how to publish it (image service? elevation service?) what are the cache levels? and how to make it use the pre-created cache.



5 Replies
Occasional Contributor III

I could create a elevation layer - it is an image service that have a LERC cache.

It looks fine in Pro when I open a new scene or globe map.

When I open a Web Scene I gat a message that the tile schema is wrong.

New Contributor II

Hi did you ever work this one out? I'm trying to do the same. Have made a mosaic dataset with our DTM now wondering how to cache with LERC and upload properly.

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New Contributor III

Circling back to this thread, but I didn't see any responses to your issues.

Did you ever get your custom elevation layer with LERC tiling scheme to display in ArcGIS Scene? I've been working for months on trying to get my custom elevation layer with LERC tiling scheme to show as an extruded 3D elevation layer with Scene Viewer but never got it work. My custom elevation layer displays as expected ArcGIS Pro, after publishing to ArcGIS Online, then attempting to open the Web Elevation Layer in the Scene Viewer, I’m always getting some sort of error referencing invalid/mismatched or out of range coordinates reference systems. There have only been a couple of instances where the WEL loaded in Scene Viewer without errors, but the WEL did not render in 3D, so it was just a flat, featureless layer that displayed.  

There are way too many configuration options and branching workflows. Each branch in a workflow have unique data requirements, environment configurations, cross application dependencies, scale range settings, matching tiling schemes, basemap types, etc. If just one little thing is not right, it will fail at the very endwhen trying open in Scene Viewer. Then the whole process has to be repeated, including rebuilding the tile packages to try to get right the next time. None of the many possible scenarios are well documented and often Esri Knowledge Base articles, community discussions, Blog posts and online guidance on custom 3D elevation layerprovide conflicting information.

Please, ESRI. please offer some sort of instructions or guidance to get a custom elevation layer with a LERC tiling scheme to display in Scene Viewer with will all the 3D attributes, like extruded terrain features, the symbology that was applied in ArcGIS Pro and, and Shaded relief/Hillshade RFTs that were applied in ArcGIS Pro.




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Occasional Contributor III

It finally worked for me.

There are two things to look for.

When you build the cache in the ready to use schemas list you have options for elevation schema, you should select one by the spatial reference of the DTM. The spatial reference of your dtm should be the same as you base map (or esri basemap if you use on-line).

Then publish the elevation layer should be done by putting the dtm as elevation layer in Pro scene and then publish it by right mouse click.

I had a problem building large cache (for the entire world) but it worked fine for smaller areas.

Have fun

0 Kudos
New Contributor III

Thanks for the update, I'll keep plugging away.

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