I'm trying to deploy two ESRI Enterprise Servers on AWS (Ubuntu) using ESRI's Enterprise Server AMI. To deal with the need for access to shared configuration, I'm trying follow https://enterprise.arcgis.com/en/server/10.8/cloud/amazon/configure-shared-configuration-store.htm. The portion that I'm unclear about is that the doc states that you'll need 3 EC2 instances; 2 will be connected the server site and the 3rd will be the "file share".
For my question, instances A and B will be connected in the Server Site, and instance C will be the "file share".
So overall, if I am correct on steps 3, 12 and 13, I'm unclear on 4-10 and mainly where does instance C come into the process. Also does instance C need to remain running?
Hello @DB_PPF,
Thank you for your questions. For step 2b, you are free to use 6443 to further secure your ArcGIS Server site; enabling HTTP is not mandatory. For steps 4-10, these steps are performed on AWS instance A.
Instance C will need to remain running, yes, as this instance is dedicated to serving as the ArcGIS Server site's file share. Instance C serves to host the configuration store, directories and log settings.
So once the setup is complete, you will have instances A and B operating in a highly available ArcGIS Server site and both instances refer to instance C as the file path for the site's configuration store and directories.