We are deploying an application that is leveraging sync-enabled feature services to update mobile geodatabases on user client machines. We've had to work out some kinks with mobile gdb registration and synchronization, but things seem fairly stable at this point.
Our current concern is about tracking what user has synchronized when. There will be hundreds of mobile users, each of whom will be synching at different points in time. From an admin standpoint we want to know which users have data that is up-to-date and which users do not -- actually we mostly want to know about those that do not.
We've considered some, admittedly kludgy, ways to do this -- like by adding a single, special purpose feature to each class or table that has the last sync table for each class. But it seems there should be information available from the parent replica database about which client has synced when.
Any suggestions on how we might access replica sync history would be much appreciated.