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�??The server took so long to answer. The client has timed out�?�

02-19-2013 10:29 AM
Legendary Contributor
�??The server took so long to answer. The client has timed out�?�

As I tried to connect to the server, I go the message below:


What might be the issue?

Thank you


Jamal Numan
Geomolg Geoportal for Spatial Information
Ramallah, West Bank, Palestine
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2 Replies
by Anonymous User
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Original User: rlwatson

Jamal, there is no easy answer to this question.  The ESRI client code is waiting for some amount of time for a response and then gives up.  The thing is that they don't want to hang the system if server does not respond but they also have no idea whether it will ever respond.  This is a classic problem for which there is no solution.

So, the real question is why is server taking so long?  The obvious things to do are to look in the ArcGIS Server Manager log to see if there are problems which are being reported.  If there is nothing there then it could be that server has insufficient resources (RAM, CPU, etc.) to respond in a reasonable amount of time.  It could also be a database or network problem.  The thing that you have to find is the weakest link.

Last week I was working on ArcGIS Server and one day it became noticeably slower.  I asked DBA about it and he had, for various reasons, lowered the amount of physical RAM allocated to the VM which was hosting Oracle.

Sorry that I don't have a better answer for you:(
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New Contributor

In case someone else runs into the same issue, what worked for our team was to ensure that the client you're trying to access the server instance from is able to reach the server via the provided connection string and public IP address. A simple test is to run http://my.public.ip.address:6080/arcgis on your browser to see if you can get to the AGS instance without error.

Some routers need to have loopback NAT enabled in order to load a resource through a public IP address while on the same LAN.

Hope that helps.

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