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Sharing Referenced and Hosted Feature Services To AGOL Using Collaberations

10-20-2023 04:04 PM
Regular Contributor

I am trying to share both Hosted and Referenced Feature Services out to AGOL from Enterprise 11.1 using a collaboration.

The relevant group in AGOL can see both of the items but when you try to use them in a map AGOL demands you sign in to the Portal site to view the data. Sync is enabled, even though I don't think it needs to be since no editing is going on. 


What am I missing? Having AGOL users sign in to ArcGIS Portal to view layers in the collaboration in a map defeats the whole purpose. I tried making the services 'public' on both sides and that had no effect either.


If I enable anonymous access and share the Referenced Feature service publicly to the Portal site, I can see the service listed. The Referenced Service is in SQL Server. The moment I try to open it in any way it demands a login. Could this have something to do with it as well? The Hosted Feature Layer accepts the 'public' configuration and is usable in a map and is accessible anonymously. 


I believe ArcGIS Enterprise not allowing public access to a publicly shared Referenced Feature Service is the issue.

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