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Serving varied imagery in a map service

07-18-2019 08:35 AM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable

This is a search for general guidance. I have a variety of data sources, black and white, color, multi-spectral, natural color, etc... that I need to display in one map grouped in a specific way.

I have tried to use mosaic dataset(s) for this but have had the following issues:

  • It is not possible to make an image service that has the imagery grouped the way users want it. 

  • I have not been able to select out individual images from a mosaic dataset and group them in the table of contents of a map document without having the boundary and footprint of the mosaic dataset also visible, which is not what any of my users want to see. They ask me if I can make them go away, and nothing I've been able to come up with has worked.

What I have done is to simply load the tiffs into ArcMap and group them as desired, and create a map service. This works perfectly, except that I get none of the benefits of mosaic dataset/imagery service, and it is noticeably slower.

Are there any options I can explore to use mosaic datasets while also having flexibility in displaying the served images?

i.e., can I do something like the following (without boundaries/footprints showing) with 9 images in a single mosaic dataset?

Area 1

  • image 1 
  • image 2
  • image 3

Area 2

  • image 4
  • image 5
  • image 6
  • image 7

Area 3

  • image 8
  • image 9
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