I am publishing a geoprocessing model from a unc path on out file server and the resulting geoporcessing service doesnt seem to place data in the scratch.gdb geodatabse.
Within the name of the folder I am publishing I have Scratch, with a scratch.gdb, a toolbox with scripts in and the actual GP model itself.
Within the actual model itself I have %scratchworkspace%\Buffer2 every time i write data to disc.
Within desktop I set both workspaces to \\uc-**\ma**pping\Tea**ms\G**IS\Toolbox\Geoprocess10_5\MissingPersons\Scratch\Scratch.gdb
The service will publish fine. I am using arcGis Desktop 10.5.1 and ArcGIS Server 10.5.1 and portal 10.5.1
When i run the model and i inspect the arcgisjobs directory, shapefiles are being outputted and nothing is being put in the .gdb
The model will eventually fail in WebAppBuilder.
Any idea what I am doing wrong ?
What if you try using %scratchGDB% instead? Is it failing because it expects to find the data in the scratch.gdb but the data is actually written to the scratch folder?
It still fails. when I examine the extracted folder the model reads "
Every time I publish the extracted model appears to have “c:\users\243295\AppData\Local\Temp\arcF95D\Buffer1.shp” when I would expect to see
Is this a bug ??
The %scratchGDB% and %scratchFolder% variables are dynamically generated on the current workspace and scratch workspace, and should be dynamically generated. Make sure those locations are not set or set to a path that exists on the server side.