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Pop-ups window and Attribute Inspector and Map Viewer and Map Viewer Classic

04-25-2024 11:39 AM
Occasional Contributor III

This is regarding Attribute Inspector window or Pop-ups window. The window that opens up when you click a feature.

1. I was trying to look for a way to rearrange a feature service (layer) fields list in a certain way in Map Viewer so, they show up rearranged in the pop-ups window, but there does not seem to be a way to do that. I can go to Settings and pop-ups to rearrange the layer's list, but that list is not honored in Web AppBuilder unless you rearrange the layer's fields list in ArcGIS Pro or, in Map Viewer Classic.

2. In Map Viewer you can add a feature service and it comes bundled up in a Group just like an Image service does, but again the Group character of a feature service unlike an Image service is not honored in Web AppBuilder. They separate out. It would be great to have an option to also keep feature service in a bundle in Web AppBuilder.

This also led me to add an idea in ArcGIS Ideas Exchange space for Map Viewer and Map Viewer Classic. Please give the link likes so the idea gets priority.

Thank you,


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