Hi Brandon,
I haven't got this completely documented but I do have something that I can give you:
Configuration GISServer (SDE) and MS SQLServer:
I haven't got this completely documented but I do have something that I can give you:
Configuration GISServer (SDE) and MS SQLServer:
Maximum Degree of Parallelism - MAXDOP
The default value for MAXDOP is 0 (zero) and can be set or
viewed using (sp_configure). A value of 0 means that SQL Server will use all
processors if a query runs in parallel.
If Hyper-Threading is enabled, MAXDOP should not be 0 and
should not be greater than half the number of visible schedulers.
A SQL Server with two CPU sockets and a 4 core CPU that does
hyperthreading, the maximum degree of parallelism option should be set to 4.
Note: The max degree of parallelism configuration option
does not limit the number of processors that SQL Server uses. To configure the
number of processors that SQL Server uses, use the affinity mask configuration
Note: Non-uniform Memory Access nodes (NUMA) is mentioned
many times. Virtual servers may not have this configured. If your server does
have NUMA nodes then you should be aware of the number of cores (with or
without hyperthreading) per node.
I haven't got this completely documented but I do have something that I can give you:
Configuration GISServer (SDE) and MS SQLServer:
Threshold for Parallelism
Recommend starting with this setting at 50. The default is set to 5 which is a
really low setting. Make sure you measure for
the critical queries and tuning up or down as appropriate
I haven't got this completely documented but I do have something that I can give you:
Configuration GISServer (SDE) and MS SQLServer:
Spatial Index setting:
The default spatial index setting is too low. Grids = (Medium,
Medium, Medium, Medium) with cells per object set to 16. It has been
recommended to set the cells per object to 64 with Grids = (Medium, Medium, Medium,
Low). You can set this per feature class or you can change the default setting
settings using sdedbtune:
sdedbtune –o alter –k DEFAULTS –P A_MS_SPINDEX –v
instance} -D -u -p
Note: I have noticed some quirks with the resulting spatial index
using the geoprocessing tool. I recommend using the Feature Class wizard (in ArcCatalog
select properties for a specific feature class) when adjusting the spatial
Index for a specific feature class.
I haven't got this completely documented but I do have something that I can give you:
Configuration GISServer (SDE) and MS SQLServer:
Spatial Statistics:
Make sure you rebuild the spatial statistics after
rebuilding your indexes. It is also good idea to rebuild the spatial statistics
of a feature class after a large data load.
ESRI GeoNet - https://community.esri.com/thread/106931
Jeremiah Peschka – SQL Server Settings – http://www.brentozar.com/archive/2013/09/five-sql-server-settings-to-change/
Microsoft - MAXDOP Settings- https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2806535
Stack Exchange – MAXDOP setting - http://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/36522/what-is-a-good-repeatable-way-to-calculate-maxdop-on-sql-server
Alastair Aitchison (a good video on how spatial indexes
work) - https://sqlbits.com/Sessions/Event5/Creating_High_Performance_Spatial_Databases
Brian Leung