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Patches for Enterprise (10.7.1 Linux) Don't Show as Installed

07-30-2020 07:24 AM
Occasional Contributor

Has anyone had the following problem?

  • You run ./patchnotification and it shows several available patches. 
  • You run ./patchnotification -i all to install all of the patches.
  • All the patches show as successfully installed.
  • You re-run ./patchnotification and it shows that none of the patches are installed.

I've restarted the boxes for the enterprise component, and it does not change the result.

arcgisenterprise‌ enterprise 10.7.1 patchnotification portal 10.7.1 datastore #arcgis for server 10.7.1

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3 Replies
Esri Contributor

Looks like you are running into a known defect: BUG-000131530: Unable to install patches or list installed patches for Portal for ArcGIS and/or ArcGIS Data Store using the patchnotification utility on a Linux deployment. (fixed at 10.8.1). 

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Occasional Contributor

Thank you for your reply Harrold.  This is very helpful... albeit unfortunate.

Is there any way to know if the patches were installed, but the patchnotification tool is not picking that up?  Or does this imply that the patches are NOT installing at all?

Also, is there a way to read BUG-000131530 details somewhere?  A cursory Internet search does not provide any results.

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Occasional Contributor

We recently upgraded to Enterprise 10.9.1.  We are still experiencing the same issue with the patchnotification tool.  We are on RHEL 7.9.

Anyone else having this problem?

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