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Offline project

12-07-2023 07:22 AM
Occasional Contributor

Is it possible to create a project in experience builder(but not use experience builder in offline mode) then download it and put it on IIS so we can access that project without internet so something similar to Web AppBuilder, or do I need to follow offline installation of experience builder so that I can use the project offline.

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2 Replies
Honored Contributor

I just did a test, I installed an app from the standard developer edition onto my IIS server and watched in the debugger network window. It's doing MANY calls to

I looked at the instructions on setting up for offline and decided I am not curious enough today to try that.

The web is so interconnected these days, it's a house of cards. Here in the Cascadia zone, a little Tsunami will take down all our beautiful web maps for who knows how long. Something to consider!


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Occasional Contributor

Thank you very much 🙂

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