Missing MapServer endpoint

02-27-2012 11:33 AM
by Anonymous User
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Original User: randallsutton

I uploaded some data into my account and exposed it as a feature service. From what I understand it was stated previously when released that a feature service would always include both the MapServer and FeatureServer endpoint. We currently rely on information provided by the MapServer endpoint that is not available in the FeatureServer endpoint. Are you not going to expose the MapServer endpoint when creating a hosted feature service?

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5 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor
There is an option when publishing from ArcGIS Desktop to enable both the map and feature service. This ability doesn't exist when creating a feature service from the website, arcgis.com.


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by Anonymous User
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Original User: randallsutton

Forgive my ignorance, but I cannot find that option when I publish in ArcGIS Desktop.

Can you tell me where it is?

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Esri Notable Contributor
it's part of the capabilities tab when publishing the service. See attached image.


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by Anonymous User
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Original User: randallsutton

I was afraid you were going to say that. Selecting Tiled Mapping creates a tiled map service with a fused cache (ie no layers, info, or operations). When you publish a feature service using ArcGIS Server you get a MapServer endpoint that includes layers will all sorts of information and operations. Before the feature service was introduced, we used the MapServer endpoint. Now it appears you are taking away the MapServer endpoint and only exposing the FeatureServer endpoint.

Any chance you will be changing this?

Just for reference I've attached a couple screen shots.

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Esri Notable Contributor
The hosted tiled map service only can return tiles. It doesn't support queries against the data. We have discussed the need to support queries and the hosted feature service can do this now. As far as achieving equivalent functionality with ArcGIS Server map services, I'm not privy to the details on if/when we would do that.

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