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Joined Server Site refuses to launch post Federation

02-07-2024 03:28 AM
Frequent Contributor

We have a server site with web adaptor installed on machine A and there is another machine B with server installed and joined to machine A.

We are observing that after federating machine A with portal (on machine C), machine B just goes into please wait mode. If we un-federate machine A this issue does not happen and machine B works fine. What is triggering this? We tried reinstalling, issue persist.



Thank you!!

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13 Replies
Frequent Contributor

Hello @MingLee,

Yes, we have reversed the entire setup and the issue still persists.

Also, if we federate this server with a different portal issue is re-triggered. So, this issue is not restricted to one portal/server env.

Can this be a BUG with 11.1? By any chance you have tested this to see if its not an expected behavior?

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Frequent Contributor

Hello @MingLee 

Here is what we did:

1) Removed Machine B from A

2) Created a new server site on Machine B

3) Installed a web adaptor named "arcgisserver"

4) Federated Machine B and Portal

5) Uninstalled Web Adaptor and ArcGIS Server on Machine A

6) Installed ArcGIS Server on Machine A and joined to Machine B

7) Installed Web Adaptor on machine A with instance "arcgisserver"



  • It does not allow to Federate an already federated server and joined site (which is expected)
  • The issue persists and now Server manager on Machine A does not opens, which is caused as we reversed the setup, and is behaving exactly same as it was earlier
  • Just an addition to this is rest and admin ends always works fine its only the Manager end failing to load


I appreciate your efforts and help, is there anything else that I can check? Also just wanted to confirm its not an expected behavior or something as designed?

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MVP Frequent Contributor

Take a ride down the documentation trail of high available sites (ArcGIS Server and Portal and Web Adaptor)

There are several critical steps you will read about in there as well as the order of setting things up successfully.


Frequent Contributor

Hello @BillFox,

Thank you for the suggestion. I looked into a few documentations and does not find anything I can utilize to troubleshoot further. Seems like we are hitting a roadblock.

@MingLee is there anything else you can think?

Thank you,


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