I have install ArcGIS Server 10.6
on top of Ubuntu Server 18.4
,gusting on a VM. I was able to create a new site after installation on Server Manager page but after restarting the VM I am not able to access the Server Manager and rest services any more!
I tried to check if the server is running
siteadmin@lingisserver:~$ cd arcgis/server
siteadmin@lingisserver:~/arcgis/server$ ./startserver.sh
Attempting to start ArcGIS Server...
*** Notice: There are still server processes running. Please run
stopserver.sh to kill these processes and run startserver.sh again.
[ OK ]
which means service is running but I am not sure which one is ArcGIS Server here (as is not as clear on Winsows with clear name of ArcGIS Server):
siteadmin@lingisserver:~$ service --status-all
[ + ] acpid
[ - ] alsa-utils
[ - ] anacron
[ + ] apparmor
[ + ] apport
[ + ] atd
[ + ] avahi-daemon
[ - ] bluetooth
[ - ] console-setup.sh
[ + ] cron
[ - ] cryptdisks
[ - ] cryptdisks-early
[ + ] cups
[ + ] cups-browsed
[ + ] dbus
[ - ] dns-clean
[ + ] ebtables
[ + ] gdm3
[ + ] grub-common
[ - ] hwclock.sh
[ - ] irqbalance
[ + ] iscsid
[ + ] kerneloops
[ - ] keyboard-setup.sh
[ + ] kmod
[ - ] lvm2
[ + ] lvm2-lvmetad
[ + ] lvm2-lvmpolld
[ + ] lxcfs
[ - ] lxd
[ - ] mdadm
[ - ] mdadm-waitidle
[ + ] network-manager
[ + ] networking
[ - ] open-iscsi
[ + ] open-vm-tools
[ - ] plymouth
[ - ] plymouth-log
[ - ] pppd-dns
[ + ] procps
[ - ] rsync
[ + ] rsyslog
[ - ] saned
[ - ] screen-cleanup
[ + ] speech-dispatcher
[ - ] spice-vdagent
[ + ] ssh
[ - ] tomcat8
[ + ] udev
[ + ] ufw
[ + ] unattended-upgrades
[ - ] uuidd
[ + ] whoopsie
[ - ] x11-common
eventually when I navigate to the ArcGIS server URL I am getting this error meesage
The latest release of Ubuntu that's supported for ArcGIS Server is 16.04.3:
ArcGIS Server 10.6.x system requirements—ArcGIS Enterprise system requirements | ArcGIS Enterprise
That's likely the problem.