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Is it possible to publish a map service from Stand-alone arcgis server on AWS connecting to my enterprise geodatabase

10-22-2021 01:23 PM
Occasional Contributor

We are trying to move to cloud from our in house stand-alone arcgis server publishing map services connecting to our enterprise geodatabase (sql server). 

I'm trying to do this one step at the time setting the arcgis server on AWS and publishing the services from the in house geodatabase and later (will be other ppl involved) move the geodatabase to AWS.

Can it be done?

HINTS, HELP, IDEAS will be much appreciated 


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2 Replies
Occasional Contributor

Technically yes, practically no.  Don’t go there. In any deployment the database and ArcGIS Server should be collocated to avoid issues with latency, bandwidth, firewalls, security and a whole host of other factors.  Possibly look into geodatabase replication or Data Interop/FME to copy data to AWS.

Occasional Contributor

Hi, I would suggest going the other way.  Move your geodatabase first (use arcgis python api, copy feature management) . When ready then move your server. 

To move your services, depending on versions and type of layer hosted, typically you can also republish using arcpy (assuming you have access to the project file). The Server would also have a copy of the mapx/mxd file and fgdb (if hosting) and depending on layer type, you can also repoint your datasource.

You will also need to sync the service definition/ users/ service permission/ user group. If you have less than 50 services, probably easier to do it manually.