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How to publish a feature service with symbology based on many fields

06-21-2013 12:03 AM
Deactivated User

I work with ArcGis 10.1 and Arcgis Online (or Arcgis Server if needed).
I own a polylines map (shp) and a symbology file (lyr) based on three fields (FieldA, FieldB et FieldC).
I need to create a feature web service based on this shp with the symbology of the lyr file.
I know that ArcGis can only publish symbology based on unique values so I try to find another solution : I created a new field (FieldD) in Pyhton with : "%s, %s, %s" % (!FieldA!, !FieldB!,!FieldC!) then I used the Toolbox : Data Management Tools/Layers and Table Views/Apply Symbology From Layer with the shp in Input Layer and the lyr in Symbology Layer.
Now I have the correct symbology in unique values but based on FieldA (and not on FieldD) and also the same symbology in "many fields" based on the three fields...
If I delete the "many fields", I loose the symbology on the map...
Anyone an idea on the correct procedure to apply the symbology of the lyr to FieldD ?

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7 Replies
Honored Contributor

I take it you need to have a feature service because you want to be able to edit the data client side. If so have a look at the presentation on the link of this thread that shows you how to have a hybrid of map and feature services to utilise complex symbology:


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Deactivated User

I take it you need to have a feature service because you want to be able to edit the data client side.

Thank you for your answer and for the link that will be usefull anyway..but I may have done a bad explanation of my trouble.
I just try to convert a symbology based on category "unique values, many fields" with three fields to a symbology based on only one field of the category "Unique Values" in order to publish a feature service because ESRI products are not able to manage feature service with a symbology based on more than one field (cf.
Sorry for my english, it is not my native language.


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Honored Contributor

I understand what you are trying to achieve but what is the driving force for having to have the layer as a feature service? Is it to edit the layer? If so you can use the hybrid approach described in the PowerPoint which would negate having to create the extra column and assign all your symbology to the new attributes.


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Emerging Contributor

Hello Anthony,

I'm facing the same problem and i can't find the powerpoint you are talking about for the hybrid approach, please any help !

Thank you 

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Deactivated User

I understand what you are trying to achieve but what is the driving force for having to have the layer as a feature service? Is it to edit the layer?

Thank you Anthony for your answer.
I don't need to edit the layer, it will be used by an API FLex to produce a plublic acces to geological data...
I will look again the video but if you have another idea, it will be great 😉
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Honored Contributor

Not quite sure what you exactly mean by public access to your data, is this just viewing the data? If so you can just publish as a map service which will allow you to symbolize on as many fields as you like,


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Deactivated User
is this just viewing the data?

Yes, it is.
If so you can just publish as a map service which will allow you to symbolize on as many fields as you like

That's the trouble for me...I need the special symbology (geological) made on three fields to be applied and if I use "share as" on ArcGis DeskTop SP1 to publish a feature service, I meet the limitation mentionned on don't know if I am clear in my explanations ? If not, I posted here a few weeks ago with someone who got the same need :
Moreover, I do not want a map service because I need to use feature queries with widgets.

Thanks for your help,
