How can I make Create Local Copy for Editing work?

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11-06-2018 10:07 AM
Deactivated User

I have a feature service I am trying to enable for offline editing in Collector. The feature classes in the service are unversioned, and each has archiving enabled. 

In ArcMap with the feature service loaded in, when I right-click the service in the ToC and then click Create Local Copy for Editing, after several minutes of progress bar  it reports:

A local copy could not be created.

The specified feature dataset extension type was not found.

What does this mean, and how do I correct it? The user needs this enabled, and so I would like help, please.



ArcGIS for Server 10.5.1

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14 Replies
Frequent Contributor

Hi Derek Law‌ I was referring to Justin's finding that "I found that only by deleting the relationship class for the attachments was I able to enable Sync when republishing the map service."  Are having attachment relationship classes a known issue when looking to Create Local Copy For Editing?

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Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi J Tessier,

I had to check with a colleague on your statement(s). FYI, the 'Create Local Copy' functionality was available before sync functionality and therefore does not use it.

Hope this helps,

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Frequent Contributor

Thanks Derek, I think I slightly crossed wires there but it sounds like attachment relationship classes are a non-issue for Create Local Copy and editing hosted feature layers these days. Thanks!

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Frequent Contributor

I am having problems with the "Create Local Copy" feature, also.  I can't find a lot of information about it!  I am using Portal.  I am also using a versioned geodatabase with globalIDs. The only way that I have gotten this to work is to open ArcPro and publish layers as a hosted service, and then adding the hosted service to ArcMap.  I would like a process that will be able to update my SDE geodatabase, and so I don't really want a hosted service. If I publish a feature service from ArcMap with Create, Update, and Delete enabled and add the service to an arcmap document, the option stays greyed out. If I create a geodata service, I can't figure out how to add it to my arcmap document...I only see it in ArcCatalog but not in the "add Data" prompt. "Create Local Copy" is supposed to work with featureservices or geodata, but I haven't found a how-to on preparing and adding the data.  Some of the videos online show AGOL data that magically has this option, but nothing on Portal data.  Does it only work with Hosted feature services?  Can you point me in the right direction?  Is there something better?  I am just trying to deploy to a remote office so that they don't experience latency when opening arcmap. 

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Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Lisa,

Sorry for the late reply, I was on vacation the last 2 weeks for the Dec holidays.

> I am just trying to deploy to a remote office so that they don't experience latency when opening arcmap. ... I would like a process that will be able to update my SDE geodatabase, and so I don't really want a hosted service.

Can you please explain the workflow you're trying to do? Do you have data in an enterprise geodatabase (aka. ArcSDE geodatabase) and want to share that data with a remote office? Have you looked at geodatabase replication to support this workflow,

Working with geodatabase replicas—ArcGIS Help | ArcGIS Desktop 

I believe the 'Create Local Copy' functionality was meant to support mobile devices.

Hope this helps,

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