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Hosted Services running within Shared Instance pool?

02-12-2020 02:37 PM
Esri Contributor

I am working in a 10.6.1 ArcGIS Enterprise site - I am trying to work out if I need to worry about the number of running ArcSOC.exe instances for the Hosted Services. 

When I look in a 10.7.1 equivalent, I know I have Shared Instances available to me - and that these run under the "/System/DynamicMappingHost (MapServer)" service and I can set the Min/max (normally the same) instance count via Server Manager or Admin pages.

On the 10.6.1 Hosting Server, I can also see  the "/System/DynamicMappingHost (MapServer)"  service, but of course, there is  no SharedInstance concept, or is there?

Are these actually the service instances that are used for the Hosted Services ?

In an earlier post (pre 10.7)  Jonathan Quinn said that Hosted Services dont use the concept of pooling - but was that just that the pooling parameters weren't generally available to publishers?

The nub of my question is:  

For a 10.6.1 site that is currently running 2 Instances of the DynamicMappingHost service - should I increase this count to allow for additional load on the Hosted Services ?

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Honored Contributor

Hi David - in looking up reasons as to why I do not see the DynamicMappingHost in my Server Manager, I came across your post.  The short answer is no.  Hosted feature services use postgres.exe processes, not soc.exe processes so there is no need to increase the number of instances for the DynamicMappingHost service on the hosted site. 

For the federated site, the rule of thumb is one instance per core per machine.  So I have 2 servers, 8 cores each. So that's a total of 16 instances for my federated site - enough to run 10s of services as part of the shared instance. 

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