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Happy new year to all. We intend to use survey 123 for field data collection in the Liberia Census. In addition, we are planning to acquire ArcGIS Enterprise or ArcGIS. For this reason, I would like to get clarification on the following issues 1. Can we

01-17-2020 01:12 AM
New Contributor

Happy new year to all. We intend to use survey 123 for field data collection in the Liberia Census. In addition, we are planning to acquire ArcGIS Enterprise or ArcGIS. For this reason, I would like to get clarification on the following issues 1. Can we achieve our objectives with either ArcGIS Enterprise or ArcGIS online? 2. If we acquire ArcGIS Enterprise or ArcGIS online, do we need to pay for a license to use survey123 (we shall have about 30 users of survey123 in the field). 3. Can we get our survey123 field data collection application customized for our needs by the local ESRI distributor? 4. Can we have the local distributor configure the GIS system for our work? Best regards

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1 Reply
Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Isaac,

Q1. Can we achieve our objectives with either ArcGIS Enterprise or ArcGIS online?

A1. Your work project objectives were not clear, nor detailed. But Survey123 can be used to support census workflows and does work with both ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise.

Q2. If we acquire ArcGIS Enterprise or ArcGIS online, do we need to pay for a license to use survey123 (we shall have about 30 users of survey123 in the field).

A2. Survey123 is included as part of an ArcGIS Online subscription and ArcGIS Enterprise. However, for a specific amount of field users (with editing capabilities to create new survey data) it will depend on whether or not the survey form is publicly shared or private. If private, then you might need to purchase additional user logins.

For ArcGIS Enterprise, please review this document, the ArcGIS Enterprise Functionality Matrix – specifically pages 10 and 11, which discusses the different editions/license available for Enterprise. You should discuss with your local esri Distributor specific details on licensing the software.

Q3. Can we get our survey123 field data collection application customized for our needs by the local ESRI distributor?

A3. This question is a bit vague. Are you asking if Survey123 can be customized? Yes, this is possible. You can create your own forms and survey questions, just review the help documentation.


XLSForm essentials—Survey123 for ArcGIS | Documentation 


If you want to customize the Survey123 app itself, see this link: Customize Survey123. And yes, I suppose you could get help to customize from your local esri Distributor.

Q4. Can we have the local distributor configure the GIS system for our work? 

A4. Please check with your local esri Distributor.

Hope this helps,

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