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Generate grid line features using SQL

06-14-2022 12:21 PM
Esteemed Contributor

Oracle 18c:

Using an SQL query, I want to generate square grid graph features:


The underlying vertices would look like this:

------------ ------------ ---------- ---------- ----------
           0            0          1          0    [SHAPE]     --horizontal lines
           1            0          2          0    [SHAPE]
           2            0          3          0    [SHAPE]
           3            0          4          0    [SHAPE]
           4            0          5          0    [SHAPE]
           5            0          6          0    [SHAPE]
           0            0          0          1    [SHAPE]      --vertical lines
           0            1          0          2    [SHAPE]
           0            2          0          3    [SHAPE]
           0            3          0          4    [SHAPE]
           0            4          0          5    [SHAPE]
           0            5          0          6    [SHAPE]
[220 rows selected]


  1. The lines would be split at each intersection. So, in the image above, there are 220 lines. Each line is composed of two vertices.
  2. Ideally, I would have the option of specifying in the query what the overall grid dimensions would be. For example, specify this somewhere in the SQL: DIMENSIONS = 10 x 10 (or DIMENSIONS = 100 x 100, etc.).
  3. To keep things simple, we can:
    • Assume the grid's overall shape will always be a square (length = width).
    • For the purpose of this question, we can make the cell size 1 unit.
    • And the grid can start at 0,0 and be built "up and right" (to the northeast).
  4. I've supplied sample data in this db<>fiddle (non-spatial XY coordinates). I created that data using Excel.
    • Hint: The vertical grid lines start at row 111.

The reason I want to generate this data is:

I want sample line data to work with when testing Oracle Spatial queries. Sometimes I need a few hundred lines. Other times, I need thousands of lines. And I need to share the data online via, so I can't use real/proprietary GIS data.

Also, if the lines are in a grid pattern, then it will be obvious if any lines are missing in my analysis results (by looking for gaps in the data in a map). 

I'm aware that there are ways to do this with ArcGIS tools. In this case, I want to do it using SQL.

How can I generate those grid lines using Oracle SQL?

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1 Reply
Esteemed Contributor

Here's one way of doing it:

--create or replace view sdo_geom_grid_vw as (
--select * from (
with dimension as ( select 0 as point from dual union all select level from dual connect by level <= 10 ), points as ( select a.point as startpoint, b.point as endpoint, c.point as fixed from dimension a cross join dimension b cross join dimension c where b.point - a.point = 1 ) select cast(rownum as number(38,0)) as objectid, startpoint_x, startpoint_y, endpoint_x, endpoint_y, sdo_geometry('linestring('||startpoint_x||' '||startpoint_y||', '||endpoint_x||' '||endpoint_y||')',26917) as shape from ( select startpoint as startpoint_x, fixed as startpoint_y, endpoint as endpoint_x, fixed as endpoint_y from points union all select fixed as startpoint_x, startpoint as startpoint_y, fixed as endpoint_x, endpoint as endpoint_y from points ) order by startpoint_x, startpoint_y, endpoint_x, endpoint_y

---------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---------- --------------
       219            0            0          0          1 [SDO_GEOMETRY]
       109            0            0          1          0 [SDO_GEOMETRY]
       208            0            1          0          2 [SDO_GEOMETRY]
       108            0            1          1          1 [SDO_GEOMETRY]
       120            0            2          0          3 [SDO_GEOMETRY]
        99            0            2          1          2 [SDO_GEOMETRY]


  • Source:
  • Related: Oracle Spatial Community - Generate grid line coordinates
  • The query currently produces SDO_GEOMETRY shapes. But it can very easily be adapted to generate SDE.ST_GEOMETRY shapes — since it converts the coordinates to shapes via WKT (supported by both geometry types). Just change sdo_geometry(  —to—  sde.st_geometry( in the outer query.
  • When I added the query as a view to ArcMap, selecting the features was very buggy. For example, if I selected a few rows of cells at the top of the grid, ArcMap would also select a few random rows/cells at the bottom of the grid too, which was incorrect. That seems to be a problem in general with spatial views in ArcGIS.
    I was able to solve that problem by registering the view with the GDB. I had the same problem with both SDO_GEOMETRY and SDE.ST_GEOMETRY views. Registering the view solved it for both datatypes.
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