I've setup a web map that allows a user to export to PDF using an MXD template I created, but the text and symbols are all messed up. However, if I export to something like PNG, it looks okay.
Any idea what could be causing the PDF to not export correctly? I've read about different fonts like Calibri causing problems, but I'm using Arial.
Our server is currently running Windows Server 2007 with ArcGIS Desktop and ArcGIS for Server 10.2.1.
PNG export:
PDF export:
Sorry I don't have more helpful advice. Perhaps cross post this (the correct way) in the ArcGIS API for JavaScript place?
Yeah, maybe this is a bug? What version are you using? When reading through the link that sunny posted above, maybe there are some possible work-arounds like this one - 35095 - Convert EPS, PDF, and AI text to graphic objects while exporting
I understand wanting to figure out the cause, or possible solutions, even if exporting to PNG is an alternative. Maybe someone else or someone from ESRI will have a better solution. Please let us know if you find a solution. Thanks!
not sure if this helps any? ArcGIS JavaScript API printing through PDF | ArcGIS Blog
It's just errors with OCR and proper scaling, as I can guess from the screenshots. It also depends on in what software to work with pdf's you're opening this before sending to print. Try to upload them to this thing actually created for filling ds11 forms I think it will display them correctly, or show where is the issue to fix if there's so. It's a paid one and has the uptime as low when the file is more then 50 mb size, speaking from experience, but it should work nevertheless