Hi - I'm a ESRI community newbie, so please forgive me if this it not the correct place to post this question.
I've joined a company with a project to upgrade a complex GIS application which was built on Oracle 10.2, SDE 10.0 SP4 and a Silverlight UI.
The ESRI Upgrade path of upgrading to SDE 10.3/4 then to 10.7.1 on Oracle 11.2.4. Then move 10.7.1 + to Oracle 19c Is a challenge, just getting hold of the install kits, Linux rpms etc is a problem.
I am interested to find out if it is a viable option to somehow batch export the spatial tables to shape files (or some other format) for example then import those shape files into 10.7.1 ? utilities such as as sde2shape and shape2sde.
There are approximately 5 thousand SDE registered tables.
I will say that you have a lot to unpack in this one. You may also want to move it or tag the Data Management community for this post.
If you can find a client that connects to that old of an Oracle Enterprise Geodatabase (SDE) and supports upgrade. I looked at it seems that you can use ArcMap 10.3: https://desktop.arcgis.com/en/arcmap/10.3/manage-data/geodatabases/client-geodatabase-compatibility.... to connect and upgrade to 10.3 https://desktop.arcgis.com/en/arcmap/10.3/manage-data/gdbs-in-oracle/upgrade-geodatabase-oracle.htm. This would be step 1. You may need / want to upgrade the Oracle version after this upgrade.
You could also potentially export all the feature classes from the 10.3 version. Then create a new Enterprise Geodatabase at a newer version then import the feature classes. You could use ArcPy / Python to export / import in a more automated way. Now this will not match the schemas / permissions / etc. that you may have add in the other EGDB. Before you export you will need to make sure all versions are reconciled / posted and a compress is run. I would also delete the versions to clean up any artifacts.
Hope this gets you moving in the correct direction.