ERROR 001487: Failed to update the published service with the server-side data location.

08-29-2019 05:57 AM
Occasional Contributor II

Everytime we try to update a map service using the overwrite web layer option in ArcGIS Pro  the error appears.

Notice that this error appears only when we try to do an "Overwrite" . The publish  new web layer tool always works fine.

We use Arcgis pro 2.4 to publish on ArcGIS Enterporise 10.7 istance (Porlal and Arcgis server 10.7 on windows server)

The complete Log is here attached:

All our ArcGIS projects  are based on different SDE layers as registered databases.  All the databases used are correctly validated in the ArcGIS Server manager 

To better undestand the error :

1) We tried to publish and overwrite the same services changing the connection to the dataset, from "registered data" to "copy all" option : in this case the overwrite works fine.

2) We tried also to publish /overwrite  the service directly on the hosted ArcGis server using arcmap , and it works fine.

Please, any help is higly appreciated...

Thank you in advance


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10 Replies
New Contributor III

I was getting this error and realized in ArcGIS Pro 3.0 that sometimes when using a Postgres view, a query is being sourced rather than a table.  When I confirmed the table was a source, I was able to publish without any issues.

Settings when I got the error:



Settings that worked (same map)



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