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Enterprise DataStore Server Scripting Install

05-06-2022 09:24 AM
New Contributor


Howdy Folks! 

From scratch installations of Server, Portal, and DataStore, I can not get DataStore to authenticate… I get the mean ugly bang with:

"Failed to validate the data store machine 'DATASTORE.VTUSDA.LAN'. 'Could not connect to the ArcGIS component at URL 'https://DATASTORE.VTUSDA.LAN:2443/arcgis/datastoreadmin/machines/DATASTORE.VTUSDA.LAN/validate'. The ArcGIS component on that machine may not be running or the machine may not be reachable at this time.Error: DATASTORE.VTUSDA.LAN: Name or service not known'" in the server log. 


About the servers:

arcgis$ uname -a

Linux datastore … x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

arcgis$ cat /etc/issue

Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS

To the best of my reading and following the installation documentation, I am following the documentation as best I understand, though I must be missing something. Server and Portal are installed on the same machine silently, DataStore was set up on the same network as a separate machine as Spatiotemporal. No certificates have been dealt with since this is an install on a private network. Validation also fails for a DataStore set up as relational. Setting up both, I followed the documented and error requested updates to:


and :arcgis$ echo `sysctl vm.swappiness`,`sysctl vm.max_map_count`

vm.swappiness = 1,vm.max_map_count = 262144

arcgis$ sudo systemctl stop arcgisdatastore.service;sudo systemctl start arcgisdatastore.service;sudo systemctl status arcgisdatastore.service

arcgisdatastore.service - ArcGIS Data Store Service

    Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/arcgisdatastore.service, enabled)

    Active: active (running)


Diagnostics: tcpdump shows communication happening between the server/portal and datastore without limitation. netstat shows ports listening and connecting between the two servers. 


From Server:

/home/arcgis/server/tools/createsite/ -u siteadmin -p siteadmin12

You will be able to access ArcGIS Server Manager by navigating to


The createsite utility completed successfully.

___end From Server

From Portal:

/home/arcgis/portal/tools/createportal/ -fn D -ln F -u siteadmin -p siteadmin12 -e -qi 1 -qa DC -d /home/arcgis/portal/usr/arcgisportal -lf /home/arcgis/ArcGIS_Enterprise_Portal*.json

You may access the portal by navigating to:


The createportal utility completed successfully.

___end From Portal


From: DataStore:

/home/arcgis/datastore/tools/ servport.vtusda.lan siteadmin siteadmin12 /home/arcgis/datastore/usr/arcgisdatastore --stores spatiotemporal

Configuring data store....

Operation completed successfully.

___end From Datastore

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