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Editable Feature Service

04-10-2013 06:42 AM
Regular Contributor
I have published a Feature Service, however am unable to edit it. I try editing in ArcMap and receive two messages: "No editable layers" and "The workspace containing this data cannot be edited." I have registered the data source and versioned the geodatabase. What else may be the issue?
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21 Replies
Honored Contributor
When you published the data did you enable editing?  Also do you have permissions to edit the data.

I have published a Feature Service, however am unable to edit it. I try editing in ArcMap and receive two messages: "No editable layers" and "The workspace containing this data cannot be edited." I have registered the data source and versioned the geodatabase. What else may be the issue?
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Regular Contributor
Editing is shown under the capabilities for the layer.

Does the permission need to be the ArcGIS Server admin on the server with SDE?
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Esri Contributor
How are you consuming the service in ArcMap, is it through a ArcGIS Server user connection?
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Regular Contributor
That is correct.
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MVP Alum
What's the license ArcMap (basic, std or adv) ? you can use std or adv for editing feature service
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Regular Contributor
I am using Advanced
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Esri Contributor
Ok, so in order to edit a feature service in ArcMap you need to make a local copy for editing and then synchronize the local edits with the server when you're finished editing. To do this:

  1. Drag the feature service onto the Data Frame

  2. Switch to the 'List by Drawing Order' view in the table of contents

  3. Right click on the group layer and go down to 'Edit Features'

  4. Select 'Create Local Copy for Editing'

  5. You may then make the edits required.

  6. When you're satisfied with your edits and ready to synchronize them back, right click the group layer again>Edit Features>Synchronize Local Edits with the Server

  7. This will apply the edits you've made to the features in the feature service

For further information, you can read the documentation here:

Hope this helps!

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Regular Contributor
I'm getting an error message.

"A local copy could not be created. Bad syntax in request."
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Esri Contributor
Hmm... what kinda of data are you using? Does it have GlobalID's or attachments?
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