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Distributed collaboration: sync between AGOL, Portal and Enterprise Geodatabase

05-24-2022 09:11 AM
Frequent Contributor

From what I understand about Distributed Collaboration as of 10.9, bidirectional sync is enabled between AGOL and Portal only if they're shared as copies. So if data from a federated Enterprise Geodatabase is published as reference to Portal, a copy of it will be made in Portal and AGOL, and edits in either copy will be synced to both copies. 

The AGOL copies will be used in Field Maps/Collector and Survey123 btw.

1) Does that mean we can have a scheduled sync so that anytime the geodatabase is updated, Portal and AGOL copies will be updated?

2) With a scheduled sync, anytime the AGOL version is updated, Portal copy is also updated. Is it possible to have this Portal copy automatically update the EGDB data as well? Doesn't have to be the original EGDB data, a new version is also fine, as long as there's EGDB data that automatically updates when the AGOL copy is edited.

Thank you!

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