Hi, I am trying to configure ArcGIS License Manager on our Azure Server so that our users can run ArcGIS Pro. I have done everything advised in the article https://support.esri.com/en/technical-article/000024588 but need to know what the detailed requirements are for setting "Ensure the ArcGIS License Manager and vendor daemon ports are open in the Azure virtual network and Azure Application Gateway".
Our ArcGIS Enterprise is set up in a standard way on Microsoft Azure using Esri's recommended JumpBox & Enterprise Server configuration. What I need to know are where do I make the Firewall, Port, etc settings? Are these in Defender on the ArcGIS Enterprise Server, Defender on the JumpBox, Azure Inbound Port Rules on the JumpBox virtual machine or the Azure ArcGIS Enterprise VM. Are there additional settings on the Azure Application Gateway?
It'd be great if there was a detailed guide on where & what all of these settings are as there are too many combinations or places to set.
@Stephen_Usmar did you get this working? I have the same issue.
Hi Stephen, I have been trying to achieve the same. I am afraid that the Esri Article is incorrect regarding the last part:
"Ensure the ArcGIS License Manager and vendor daemon ports are open in the Azure virtual network and Azure Application Gateway
Ensure the ports listed in the ArcGIS License Manager service.txt file are available for use by configuring the virtual network, the Azure Application Gateway, and the machine's firewall. This process can only be done by the organization's Azure administration team."
As far as I know the Azure Application gateway does only support the HTTP, HTTPS, HTTP/2, and WebSocket protocols (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/application-gateway/application-gateway-faq)
The FlexNet license Manager seems to be using a proprietary protocol and thus it will NOT work with an Azure Application Gateway.
Communication encryption between lmgrd, vendor daemon and client - Community (flexera.com)
Application protocol used by FlexNet license Manager to communicate with licensed clients (ibm.com)
Protocols used by SLM (FlexNet license Manager) to communicate with clients (microfocus.com)
Hope this helps