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Data Collector download failed for Secure Service

01-01-2019 12:55 AM
Frequent Contributor

Dear All,

   I am facing this error from last two days.i have one secure feature service  and custom base map service in arcgis server .Every thing works fine.when i published web map from portal base-map added successfully and secure service also added on the web-map. when i try to download this web-map from  my Samsung galaxy device. Base-map download successfully.But the polygon data from secure feature service not throws fallowing error.

"The map or data could not be loaded.try downloading your map again."i tried many times but always same error came.please help what can be the reason.


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2 Replies
Esri Contributor

Hi Nadir,

I have a few questions that may help us narrow down what is causing this issue:

  • Do you know if users on other devices are receiving the same error when they try to download the WebMap in Collector for ArcGIS?
  • Can you open the WebMap in Collector on your device (opposed to downloading it)?
  • Can you access the REST endpoint for the secure service in a browser on your mobile device?
    • If so, are there any certificate warnings in the browser?
  • In the ArcGIS Server Manager, is "Feature Access" enabled for the secure service?
    • In Server Manager, navigate Manage Services > Find Your Secure Service here > Click on Secure Service > Capabilities



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Frequent Contributor

Dear Megan,

Q:Do you know if users on other devices are receiving the same error when they try to download the WebMap in Collector for ArcGIS?

Ans:yes i check more than 2 devices.Each device shows the same error. 

Q:Can you open the WebMap in Collector on your device (opposed to downloading it)?

 yes i can open the map and polygon data i can also update its attribute.i face this error after downloading the webmap.

Q:Can you access the REST endpoint for the secure service in a browser on your mobile device?

i never check before.tomarrow i will check in my office.

Q:In the ArcGIS Server Manager, is "Feature Access" enabled for the secure service?

yes it is enabled and i can also update the attribute of the features.



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