CloudBuilder Configure Web Adaptor on Ubuntu

08-02-2012 02:04 PM
Occasional Contributor

I have setup my Ubuntu ArcGIS Server 10.1 instance via Cloud Builder.  All went well, but now I am a bit puzzled how to install the Java Web Adaptor.  Here are my questions:

1) Is the Java Web Adaptor for ArcGIS Server installed by default with the Cloud Builder setup?  If yes, where are the files installed?
2) If the Java Web Adaptor for ArcGIS Server is not installed by default, then where can I find documentation on how to install the Java Web Adaptor on a remote server in the cloud.  The Linux server documentation is written for a setup where the user has access to be able to mount a CD/DVD device and written for a sever that has a display.  I have downloaded and unpacked the files but get the following message when I try to install on my EC2 instance:

ubuntu@ip-10-248-81-110:~/downloads/esri/arcgis_server/WebAdaptor$ ls
Documentation  Install.htm  Setup  WebAdaptor
ubuntu@ip-10-248-81-110:~/downloads/esri/arcgis_server/WebAdaptor$ sudo ./Setup
[ArcGIS 10.1 Web Adaptor (Java Platform) Setup Warning]
Unsupported OS found. ArcGIS 10.1 Web Adaptor (Java Platform) supports Red Hat Enterprise Server 5 and 6, and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11.
Press Enter to continue anyway...
read: 65: arg count
WARNING:  This shell's DISPLAY variable has not been set.
This setup requires a valid display. Please set the DISPLAY
variable to your local UNIX host, or execute this setup
from a UNIX host which has the DISPLAY variable set.


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17 Replies
Occasional Contributor
This seems to be an issue that the installation setup does not support a silent install.  I noticed that I can get the Spatial Data Server install to work using ssh -x -c command but this does not work with the WebAdaptor setup.
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New Contributor
That is correct, Web Adaptor does not support a silent install at 10.1. It will be supported at a subsequent release.
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Occasional Contributor
That is correct, Web Adaptor does not support a silent install at 10.1. It will be supported at a subsequent release.

Thanks for your reply.  So if I can't do a silent install, how do I install on a machine with no display/monitor?
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New Contributor
ssh -X will forward the display to local machine, which then must have a valid display.

Also, Web Adaptor is not supported on Ubuntu, as stated in the warning message.
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Occasional Contributor
ssh -X will forward the display to local machine, which then must have a valid display.

Also, Web Adaptor is not supported on Ubuntu, as stated in the warning message.

Thank you for your response.  I guess I need to step back and ask a bigger question: 

  • Does the 10.1 Ubuntu AMI support all of the same features as it's Windows counter part?

  • Where is the documentation for the Ubuntu Cloud ami setup to install the Web Connectors and additional optional components?

I am beginning to think that the 10.1 Ubuntu ESRI Cloud Builder AMI does not support the entire ArcGIS Server stack, and hence should not be offered yet as an available ami to consumers?  Thank you for your time.
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Occasional Contributor
For those who do need to get the Web Adaptor setup on ESRI's Amazon AMI you will need to follow the blog post setup to configure an emulator since the install needs a display:

This is an unsupported approach, and hopefully ESRI can document the correct way for those who try and use the ESRI Ubuntu Cloud Builder setup.
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by Anonymous User
Not applicable
It is correct that Web Adaptor at 10.1 Final is not supported on instances from ESRI Ubuntu AMI. Web Adaptor Setup at 10.1 Final requires DISPLAY to install and configure from Browser running on the machine. This will change at future release. There will be silent install and command line configuration tool for Web Adaptor.

Can I ask what's the scenario that you want to install Web Adaptor on Ubuntu instance? We have documented the recommended way of deploying web applications on Ubuntu using apache: Deploying a web application on an Ubuntu Linux site. You can also use amazon ELB for load balancing.

Web Adaptor will be supported. I'm just very interested in your use case to help us better understanding and supporting it.

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New Contributor
We recently discovered a quick & simple solution to the Port 6080 issue, no Web Adapter necessary.

  • Create a new AWS Elastic Load Balancer.

  • Make the Port Configuration ("Listeners") to go from Load Balancer Port 80(HTTP) to Instance Port 6080(HTTP)

  • Select your AWS instance hosting services on port 6080

  • Under "Health Check", change the "Ping Target" from "/index.html" to "/arcgis/rest/services"

  • Use the A Record DNS name for your load balancer as the domain name to point to your rest services

So if your old url were something like this:

Then your new url would be something like this:

Note, that if your "Health Check" for your instance fails that the Load Balancer will not pass traffic to it.  So the key is to get your iinstance to pass the ELB's Health Check.
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by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Hey Thank you! Just a quick note - if you have more than 1 instances created by Cloud Builder and some additional instances terminated somehow, Cloud Builder will bring back new instances for ArcGIS Server site. These new instances will not be listed under your new ELB automatically.

Another way to avoid 6080 is to use the apache installed on Ubuntu instance. Start apache (SSH as user "ubuntu" instead of "arcgis") by typing "sudo service apache2 start". We have configured apache reverse proxy for ArcGIS Server already, so you can access ArcGIS Server by http://<machinename>/arcgis/rest/services.

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