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ClientID/ Secret /generatetoken for Hosted Feature Layer

02-22-2024 10:26 AM
Occasional Contributor

Looking for documentation to use /server/admin/generatetoken that is hard coded in an application and set up clientID/Secret for 2 specific hosted feature layers. This is a federated enterprise setup. 


Thank you

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3 Replies
Frequent Contributor

Following.   We need to do the same thing.   I see how to create an "application" item that has a client ID and secret, and I am able to generate a token using that, but I don't understand how that grants access to content, or how to specify which content it should have access to.

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Occasional Contributor

Exactly what we are running into. Was straight forward with an unfedereated stand-alone server but these Vector Tile services have to be on an Enterprise setup. 



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Esri Contributor

This article should explain it, the application will have access to all the content where it is located and any groups it is in.
Authentication—ArcGIS REST APIs | ArcGIS Developers

Working with different authentication schemes | ArcGIS API for Python

User authentication | Documentation | ArcGIS Developers

Hope it helps




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