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Can not Add Arcgis Server

05-08-2019 12:40 AM
Frequent Contributor


I have a weird condition and i need an explanation.  

I have 2 method of LAN Settings. First method is "Automatically detect settings" and the other one is "use a proxy server for your LAN".

I want to connect to a arcgis server service (hosted by other department in another company).

Using either LAN settings, I am able to access it via web browser (Chrome and IE. Dont know in Mozilla).

Then I want to access it via ArcMap by choosing GIS Servers -> "Add ArcGis Server" --> Use Gis Services. If I choose "use a proxy server for your LAN", i got an error "we were unable to connect to someonlinehost/agsadaptor/rest/services. Error: Service unavailable. (Status code 503)" . If I choose "Automatically detect settings" for the LAN Settings, I can access it.

Why is this happening ? Whats the difference between the 2 methods from ArcMap point of view ? Why both method works using web browsers ?

Iam very curious

[Arcgis Desktop 10.6.1 with recent TLS patch]


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