I'm looking to enable archiving on a feature dataset in our SQL DB to track historical changes. It just so happens several layers participate in a topology so we don't have gaps and overlaps. When reading the documentation (https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/latest/help/data/geodatabases/overview/the-archive-process.htm#GUI...), it states that certain editing functions insert vertices, including validating a topology. Does that mean if I try to use archiving and we occasionally validate the topology, our historical tracking will get messed up because the validation will "edit" features, thus making it appear that changes were made? Just looking for some clarification.
The archive process—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
If you validate a geodatabase topology then as stated above, it might insert vertices on existing features to maintain coincidence between adjacent features, hence this becomes an edit operation, then if you save the changes then the change will be recorded in the archiving table.