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ArcGIS Server rest URL query very slow on oracle view

09-12-2019 12:00 AM
New Contributor II


I created one spatial view on oracle database and publish as a map service in ArcGIS server 10.4, when i am trying a query (simple get count) on ArcGIS server rest page it's taking more than 2 minutes to get result. I already rebuild attribute and spatial indexes.

Can any one suggest how to improve get query result on ArcGIS Server rest URL?



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7 Replies
Esri Contributor

Archit Srivastava‌, Could you please help with this one? Thanks!

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Esri Regular Contributor

Did you register your view with the geodatabase? Or is does this spatial view exist in a standalone DBMS?

One of the reasons this is important is because unregistered spatial views are cast as a subquery when ArcGIS queries the database. The use of a subquery is to ensure no malicious SQL is being sent to the database inadvertently but it also can create some performance issues. However, if you register the view with the geodatabase, it will store the metadata information and no longer send a nested query. 

We built the ability to register a view into ArcMap 10.5 as a geoprocessing tool: Register a table or view with the geodatabase—ArcGIS Help | ArcGIS Desktop 

New Contributor II

Hi Christian, Thanks for the reply.

The option to register with geodatabase is grayed out. The spatial view is in registered database

Please suggest how to proceed on this issue.

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New Contributor II

Hi Sandeep,

as suggested by Mr.Christian, please open the GP tool from the path "toolboxes\system toolboxes\data management tools.tbx\geodatabase administration\register with geodatabase" and follow the instructions.

New Contributor II

Hi Mallemala, Thanks for the reply.

Below error occur while using this tool. For your information i am using 10.4.1 ArcGIS Server.

Please suggest how to proceed on this issue.

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New Contributor II

Mr.Christian clearly mentioned, the GP tool is available from 10.5.

in your case the database is already recognizing the table as polygon feature class (in  your 1st replay). how many records are there in this feature class?

What is the performance when you try querying or opening attribute table from desktop?

query for 1 record from REST URL and check the response time.

it is advised to analyse the sql query performance in Oracle.

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New Contributor II

Hi Thanks Christian and Mallemala,

I registered spatial view with the help of GP tool available in 10.5 and publish as a map service, now I am getting ArcGIS Server rest query result fast.

Thanks for your support.

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