Does anyone remember the URLs to connect to ArcGIS Server 10.0 from ArcCatalog to administer the data?
We have an old ArcGIS Server VM image that we have spun up to try and recover some data that was lost years ago. We have the server up and can access the ArcGIS Server Manager web interface but have been unable to connect via ArcCatalog. Honestly, none of us can remember the connection URLs.
There was a big change between 10.0 and 10.1 and the sites do not use ports. We were able to access the server to "Use GIS services" in ArcCatalog 10.8.1 using but can only view the data and not administer the GIS server or data in any way from ArcCatalog.
We spent about two hours with ESRI tech support yesterday trying to get the installed ArcCatalog 10.0 up and running, which has all the GIS Server links saved. We were not successful as 10.0 is just not supported any longer and license files are just not available. We have been trying to access using a new version of ArcCatalog (10.8.1) with only a small glimmer of hope.
Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated.
Solved! Go to Solution.
ESRI Customer Support to the rescue. ESRI was able to help setup a new license server that would support ArcGIS Desktop 10.0. We were able to access the ArcGIS Server from ArcCatalog and are in the process of exporting the Image Cache files. Once those files are safe we are going to dig around and find the other data that is visible from the hosted services.
The connection string was as we thought The issue was ArcGIS Server 10.0 can only have an administration connection created using ArcGIS Desktop 10.0. No other versions will work.
What/where is the data? Is it some hosted data store on Portal? I think I don't understand because I've never done any ArcGIS Server administration through ArcCatalog (everything is in Oracle SDEs). Just for my interest.
10.0 was before Portal if I understand correctly. There are a couple of items we are hoping to recover from this old server that we are able to view when we have it up and running. From my understanding, this was a standalone VM that was placed in a DMZ for public access. I just happened to run across a backup image of the server saved to a DVD while going though some old GIS files.
1) There are installation date fields that were corrupted during a data migration years ago. However, the feature service that was published on this old server, is displaying the correct information. Somewhere on that server is the correct data.
2) There is an imagery map service on this server that was lost when there was a multiple drive failure on an old NAS unit. Most likely what we are seeing is cashed tiles on the feature service and not the original data but that would be a lot better than nothing , if we can get to them. We did find the cache folder but the folder and file names are cryptic. The Cache for the map service can be exported but we need a connection string setup in desktop or catalog - Export Map Server Cache. I found the instructions for exporting the cache tiles from a internal server and importing them onto the DMZ server using ArcCatalog along with the DVD but nothing on the connection strings. The connections were already created on the server but we cannot open ArcInfo 10.0 on the system because we do not have a valid license available any longer.
Doesn't sound great, doubt I can offer any help but possibly the cache is usable as it stands, I'm unsure what the cache type would be for early Arc versions, but you might be looking at a Compact Cache V1, which will just display the same as a Tile Cache (I've created local Tile Caches previously then just dumped the folder onto the server) so you may have luck with just dragging the cache into an mxd, or running Manage Tile Cache tools on what you have.
Can you look at the registered Data Stores on the ArcGIS Server manager to see where the data might be served from? Or look at the service itself and the publishing MXD.
All just random thoughts without any great knowledge though.
Btw is that avatar Kirito - SAO?
I am in the same boat on the older versions. Just spent an hour looking for old 9.x and 10.0 ArcGIS books that may be still boxed from our last move. No Data Stores on this version. Only one MXD which pointing to non-existing links on another drive. Lots of MSD files which I believe are Map Service Definition files.
Yes, that is Kirito. I am a major "otaku" and SAO tops my list.
All I can say really is good luck :(. it's a coinflip between SAO and Attack on Titan, still waiting on the english dubs for the latest SAO.
After more internet browsing I found the connection strings for 10.0 at Making a user connection to ArcGIS Server in ArcCatalog and Making an administrative connection to ArcGIS Server in ArcCatalog. They are inline with what we were attempting. However, ArcGIS Server 10.0 or older versions cannot be administered using ArcGIS for Desktop version 10.1 or newer. So unless we are able to get the license for ArcGIS Desktop 10.0 we will not be able to access the data on the ArcGIS Server via Desktop or Catalog. I will try ESRI one more time.
The ArcGIS 10.0 Help is still available online, have you poked around it: Desktop Help 10.0 - About connecting to ArcGIS Server in ArcCatalog and Desktop 10.0 Help - Making an administrative connection to ArcGIS Server in ArcCatalog
Thanks Joshua. I found those yesterday as noted in the prior post along with the bad news that you can only create a administrator connection in Catalog or Desktop to a 10.0 ArcGIS Server using ArcGIS Desktop 10.0. Newer versions (10.1+) will not work so I am going to try and reach out to ESRI one more time and see if we can get the old license server running. ArcInfo 10.0 is installed on the VM just no license is available.
Where in the docs are you seeing you need an ArcInfo/Advanced license to connect to GIS Server to administer it?